Mommy & Maxine | Avon Oh Family Photography

This stunning photoshoot was purchased by dad as a birthday surprise for his amazing wife Rachel. I arranged a striking floral display that would look marvelous printed & hung in any room they decided to add to. Mama Rachel was so excited for her session & even brought me some pretty fresh flowers as a present too. We all couldn't wait for the fun to begin for this birthday celebration!

Mommy & Me Baby Maxine Avon Family Photographer
Cleveland Family Photographer Baby Maxine 14 Months New
Baby Maxine Floral Mini Session Avon Ohio Photographer Family

Floral Mini Session | Avon Oh Family Photography

What a remarkable gift it is to capture beautiful pictures of mama Rachel with her gorgeous daughter Maxine. Baby Maxine has grown so much sense I last saw her. She is full of personality now at 14 months old & didn't need more than a minute to warm up to me. She was ready to be the star of the show & look adorable doing it. Let me tell you, these two can light up a room when they are together! They did just that. So many smiles, laughter & fun we had together. These will be so special for the family to look back on for years to come. Not to mention the ultimate bragging rights being able to show off what a perfect family they've created.

Mama & Baby Maxine Smiles at Ity Bity Photography Floral Mini Session Set in Avon Ohio

From New York to Cali, this family has sure had a journey around the world. I am SO glad they ended up here & added this sweet baby girl to the Ity Bity Photography family. I am so honored I get to watch little Maxine grow into this courageous, gentle but clever girl. Can't wait for more fun with you in the future.


Mama & Maxine Cleveland Ohio Photographer Floral Mini Session in Studio

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Gorgeous Baby Girl And her mama in Avon Ohio during Floral Mini Session at Ity Bity Photography Cleveland